With only a few modifications, we will be repeating last several years delightful format, aiming for the perfect balance of relaxed, unstructured time and a few structured but informal activities for those who want them. These might include any of the following:

     * writing prompts to promote sharing our different approaches to writing stories, poems, or essays; 
     * a “fishbowl” demonstration after Wednesday dinner or Thursday breakfast, demonstrating the response group for campers new to it;

     * an authors’ chair for sharing  work during some of our evenings together;

     * a few volunteer workshops offered by anyone with an idea or practice they would like to share;

    * bonfire, music, and board games in the evenings (feel free to bring instruments and games).

We are not planning to schedule camper-led workshops ahead of camp, and participation in any that are offered by fellow campers will of course be voluntary. With their happening uncertain and their nature left undetermined, we encourage you to bring materials for use in a workshop you might want to present, including photocopies, even if you are not planning to commit to presenting one. Anything could happen, including numerous dialogues about your work and writing processes. Sometimes important non-writing activities demand participation on a warm afternoon at Camp Mattole.

Please let us know what other activities you might enjoy offering, such as a yoga class or any special skill you have that others might enjoy and learn from.

At our first gathering on the first evening for orientation, we will talk about these and any other ideas you may have. On the first evening and into the following morning we also sign up for the week’s kitchen crews who work with each night’s volunteer chef to turn out the fantastic dinners that have given rise to the old nickname for our retreat: “The Redwood Eating Project.” The food is healthful and gluttony is not encouraged, but over the years the communal prep has become so successful that all agree we truly eat like royalty at camp! Scheduling workshops and activities and listing interested campers are likely to take place each morning.  At that time we may have a “status of the camp” report, with time for campers to declare what they are working on and want to achieve, what they want to share, what they seek in the way of help and support, and what help and support they want to offer to others.

The lovely facilities at Mattole Camp and Retreat Center on the Mattole River near Petrolia make an ideal setting for writing, talking about writing, spontaneous response groups, swimming at our favorite swimming holes, bicycling, storytelling, bonfires, readings, playing music and games in the evenings, or taking walks—in short, whatever we want—plus making and breaking bread together (and other delicious food as well!) in our communal  kitchen.

For those new to us, our original members are fellows of the Redwood Writing Project who have continued attending this retreat in its various incarnations for more than two decades. It was begun for teachers, then opened up to anyone interested in writing and participating in workshops with published authors, and more recently morphed into its current, independent, cooperative state. The core group no longer considers itself “staff,” just veteran campers willing to answer questions and help you learn the lay of the land when you are there.

In the past we have been delighted to have historical fiction author Cecelia Holland present workshops the past few years. We hope to have other professionals join us to share their expertise as well. We will keep you posted here on the website. 
For more information about Cecelia Holland’s work, visit her website at: www.thefiredrake.com

To reserve your space for the 2024 retreat please follow go to Retreat 2024.                                            
Please consider joining us for ten days that has always been delightful, beneficial, and full of warmth and friendship. If you have writing friends who might enjoy the gathering we have described, by all means invite them to this year’s retreat.

For further information please email: lostcoastwritersretreat@gmail.com

Contact Lost Coast Writers Community

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The Lost Coast Writers Community is a non-profit organization.

We rely on donations to cover the expenses of maintaing our website, virtual events, and other admin expenses. Any contributions are greatly appreciated.
Thank you for helping with our community.